Heartworm Awareness Month is Here!

Picture for Heart warm awareness month

Heartworm disease: It’s something many dog owners have heard about but are not always sure exactly what it is.  Heartworm disease is caused by foot-long parasitic worms that are spread through the bite of a mosquito. When fully grown these large adult worms live in the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of dogs causing potentially fatal blockages.

Mosquitos deposit the larvae into dogs when they take a blood meal. It takes 6 months for the larvae to mature into an adult. The adult worms produce “baby worms” called microfilaria which are picked up by mosquitos and the life cycle continues.  Heartworms can live from 5 to 7 years in your pet!

Since there are virtually no early signs or symptoms of heartworm disease, testing yearly is vital.  Symptoms are not present until the heartworms increase in size and numbers and create blockages in the heart or lungs.  Some symptoms include coughing, reluctance to exercise, fatigue, decreased appetite and weight loss. Unfortunately, sudden death may be the only symptom.

Year-round prevention and annual screening is very important in protecting your pet from infection.  Initial testing is vital before starting heartworm prevention.This is due to the fact that the medication can cause a mass die off of the microfilaria which in return can cause shock and potentially death for your pet.  For this reason, heartworm preventative must be prescribed by a veterinarian after testing.

Heartworm disease is becoming more prevalent in Illinois. In some clinics in the Chicago area, there has been reported an average of 51 to 99 cases per clinic in 2016.  



If your pet tests positive for heartworm disease, your veterinarian will order a follow up test to confirm the diagnosis. It is important to keep a heartworm-positive dog on very low activity to help decrease damage to the heart and lungs.  There is treatment for heartworm disease but it is complicated and takes several months. The treatment is an arsenic type of medication and is costly. Monthly prevention is much more cost effective and an easier way to keep your pets heart healthy.  

Overall, it is best to screen yearly for heartworm disease and to give heartworm preventative products such as Heartgard and Sentinel. Our knowledgeable staff is here to provide you with further information or answer any questions that you have on heartworm disease or prevention.  We are here to keep hearts healthy for “Healthy Pets, Longer Lives”.

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Healthy Pets, Happy Lives!


Healthy Pets, Happy Lives!


The new year brings a time for making better choices, this includes making the right choices for your pet. Change can be difficult, but it is often necessary because we all want what is best for our beloved Fydo and Scruffy!  The staff at South Town have put together some tips to start the new year off in a great direction!  

Eat a Healthier Diet!

Good nutrition makes you feel your best! Eating a proper diet provides all the right energy so that your furry friend can tackle things like fatigue and illness. Measuring your pet’s caloric intake is important! We can help you measure your pet’s exact daily caloric needs so that your pet is not eating too much or too little calories. Each different brand of food contains a different amount of calories.  It is important to evaluate what is in your pets food to distribute an appropriate portion. Contact us and our doctors will be happy to put together the correct calorie intake per your pets weight.  

Quality food is also just as important.  Make sure you read the label on the back of your pet food.  It is vital that your first few ingredients are protein based.  Chicken, beef, turkey, and other meats should be the first ingredients listed on the back of the bag.  Providing a balanced diet is vital to your pets health.

Get Moving!

Get outdoors! Go for a walk outside with your pooch! Dogs love to go for walks, play fetch, and socialize! People can take their feline friends outdoors too! Make sure that they are also on a leash or in an enclosed area for safety.

In addition, most cats also enjoy a good toy to throw around. For a fun activity, you can just sprinkle a little catnip on your cat’s favorite toys and watch them go wild! If you have a cat that is a real thrill seeker, try using a laser pointer. Caution to any toys that have strings and feathers.  Cats are often brought in to see the doctors for those types of toys from being ingested.

Your dog may also enjoy play dates with others at a dog park or daycare facility. If your cat is a social butterfly, many daycare facilities offer kitty playtime too. Be sure that your pet is up to date on vaccinations, such as rabies, distemper, and bordetella.  Other vaccines may be required per the facility of your choice.  Make sure to check in with your provider or here at South Town to ensure that your pet is ready to play!  

Another activity you can do with to get your pet moving is swimming! Have you heard about The Puddle, located right next door to South Town Animal Hospital?  The Puddle offers a clean, safe and relaxing environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for your canine and feline friends. The Puddle offers swimming, massage therapy and top of the line food and nutrition products for your pets!  

Get that physical!

Keep Up On Preventive Health Care. Keep your pet protected against illness by getting annual exams, vaccinations, and important blood work! Depending on your pet’s lifestyle, certain vaccinations may be recommended to keep illnesses at bay. And, just like people see their doctor – for your pet, a thorough examination by a veterinarian, along with blood work, is crucial in catching medical problems at it’s soonest.  The doctor is medically trained in finding anything that is abnormal about your pets health or behavior.  Trust in us to catch and treat anything that may be harmful to your beloved pet!

Groom, Often. Nails, hair, teeth!

When you start to hear a “clickity clack” on the floor, it’s time for your pet to have a nail trim! Are you a cat owner? Most times, there are no clickity clacks, but if you look at your cat’s nails and if you see long, clear or white tips- it’s probably time for a nail trim! Keeping your pet’s nails short is always best! Longer nails make it harder for your pet to walk around. They also can make it more painful to walk around as they can bend more easily and offset your pet’s natural walk!

Groom often to keep your pet’s coat fresh and clean! Matts can easily appear especially under armpits and the neck area.  Bathing and get regular haircuts depending on your pets breed can be critical for healthy eyes and skin.

Update Your Pet’s Microchip Information!

Lastly something that is often forgotten is how important it is to keep contact information up to date. It is vital to update your pet’s microchip information when you get a new home address, phone number or email address. If your pet is lost, his microchip will be scanned, and the information in the microchip will be contacted. If you are not sure which microchip company to contact for updating your pet’s microchip information – no problem! At South Town Animal Hospital, we can scan your pet to find out!

In wrapping things up we want to make sure that your pet is happy and healthy.  Good nutrition, exercise, and coming in for regular exams is vital to a healthier year!  In addition keep your records as up to date as possible by making sure that your pets microchip registration is current.  

Please contact South Town Animal Hospital at (847)695-7387 or reception@southtownhosp.wpengine.com with any questions about making 2018 the healthiest year yet!

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Happy Holidays 2017!

South Town Animal Hospital donation to Anderson Animal Shelter christmas 2017

Seasons Greetings from South Town Animal Hospital!

This is the time of year where we truly count our blessings. We spend time with our families and surround ourselves with the ones we love, including our fur babies. Some pets are not so fortunate. That is why we are always thankful that there are organizations like Anderson Animal Shelter to take care of those pets in need. They give a warm bed and a bowl of food to any hungry pet that walks through their doors. That is why we want to support organizations like Anderson Animal Shelter in our community by making a monetary donation to assist in the needs of the shelter on behalf of our clients and their pets. We are blessed that Anderson Animal Shelter is here to help those in need. If you are interested in checking out all that Anderson Animal Shelter does for the community please stop by any of their three facilities or check out their website at http://www.andersonanimalshelter.org . The animals at Anderson Animal Shelter will thank you with warm kisses and belly rubs! Happy Holidays to all!

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Five Reasons to be Thankful for Our Pets

Haley Anderson Kennel Assistant South Town Animal Hospital

Five Reasons to be Thankful for Our Pets


1.They Enrich and Enlighten Our Lives.

Everyday our pets give us priceless gifts.  Whether it be a warm welcome home after a long hard day, reducing our stress, or just being a buddy.

2. They Love Us Unconditionally.

They watch our every move. They are here for us for the good days and the bad.  Our pets know when we are sad. They want to be by our side and make sure that we are okay. The best cheer is some love, cuddles, and kisses from your furry best friend.


3. They keep us moving

Are you ready to head out the door? Chances are, Sparky is, too! Who doesn’t love going for a nice walk outside with their best friend? They are more than just a best friend- they are a great big part of our loving family!

4. They Better Our Lives

Not only do our pets reduce stress. With all of the extra loving cuddles and precious memories shared, it’s no wonder that the bond with our fur babies improves our health in so many ways. Healthier heart, reduce stress, keep us social, happy mood, & emotional support.

5. Pets Give us Purpose

Having a pet is a great responsibility.  Everyday they give us a reason to wake up in the morning, feed, walk, and love them.  Being their guardian gives us the responsibility to provide a safe, healthy environment for our pets to thrive.  Having a purpose allows us to live longer healthier lives.

Having a pet is a mutually beneficial relationship.  Everyday we are thankful that our pets are here for us as we are for them.  South Town Animal Hospital is blessed to be able to foster the relationship through medical care and support.  Thank you for allowing us to be here for you and you family. 


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It’s What’s Inside that Counts! Intestinal Parasites at their Worst!


It’s What’s Inside that Counts! Intestinal Parasites at their Worst! 

As a partner in your pet’s healthcare, South Town Animal Hospital wants to ensure that you have the information you need to keep your pets free of intestinal parasites.

Did you know?
Both dogs and cats can get intestinal parasites.

Did you know?
Intestinal parasites can be transferrable from pets to people.

Intestinal parasites may be present in your pet even if she is not experiencing any symptoms!

What are intestinal parasites?
Intestinal parasites are organisms that live in the host’s gastrointestinal tract. Companion animals typically acquire intestinal parasites by ingesting the eggs or spores. They can also contract parasites in utero or while nursing. Intestinal parasites are found in contaminated soil, water, fecal matter, or food. They can even be found in the soil of your house plants!

It is veterinarian recommended to have your pet’s fecal sample tested every 6 months since intestinal parasites are so prevalent in the environment & spread easily.

Types of Intestinal Parasites
Roundworms– These common intestinal parasites can look like spaghetti. Roundworms can be contracted by either or licking contaminated fecal matter and also transmitted from mom to babies in utero or nursing.
Hookworms– These parasites attach to intestinal wall and suck blood and nutrients from their hosts.
Giardia– This parasite is contracted through contaminated water or areas soiled with feces. It is not visible with the unaided human eye.
Coccidia– Is a microscopic parasite that can be spread through contaminated feces. This intestinal parasite can be found in both cats and dogs.
Tapeworms– Transmitted by infected fleas. These types of intestinal parasites often resemble small pieces of rice. Your pet may have a higher chance of acquiring tapeworms if she enjoys catching rodents and other wildlife (which are prone to flea infestation).
Whipworms-These intestinal parasites live in contaminated soil. After ingested, whipworms will then survive in the pets intestines.

Signs Your Pet May Have Intestinal Parasites:

Intestinal parasites may cause your pet to exhibit one or more of the following signs or

-Weight Loss
-Bloody Stool

There are many times that our pets may seem perfectly healthy, and they may not show signs or symptoms of intestinal parasites at all! The best way to diagnose an intestinal parasite is through examination of a fecal sample.

What is Zoonotic?
Zoonotic simply means that a disease or parasite can be transferable from animals to people. Many of these intestinal parasites found in our companion animals can transmit from pets to humans. Intestinal parasites can also lead to secondary infections and diseases.

Testing for Intestinal Parasites
Unlike heartworms, that are tested using a sample of blood, intestinal parasites are found in your pet’s stool. A stool sample, the size of a walnut, is all we need to run the intestinal parasite screening. The sample is sent off to the lab where it is analyzed under a microscope. The results are then sent back to our veterinarians to determine the course of treatment needed.

Treatment for Intestinal Parasites
For most intestinal parasites oral dewormers are used. There are various deworming medications that can be prescribed depending on the parasite. If you suspect your pet may have an intestinal parasite, it is important to have your veterinarian test a fecal sample in order to identify which type of intestinal parasite may be present.

There are ways to avoid these pesky critters. Monthly preventatives such as Heartgard and Revolution have a deworming component. Our veterinarians recommend giving your dog Heartgard year-round because the medication not only protects against heartworms contracted from mosquitoes, but it also has a deworming component for common intestinal parasites, such as roundworms and hookworms.

For cats, we recommend a topical medication called, Revolution. This monthly deworming medication is for treatment and prevention against roundworms and hookworms. It also protects against fleas and ear mites.

If you have more questions, please contact the office at (847) 695-7387, or email us at reception@southtownhosp.wpengine.com. We are here for you if you have any questions or concerns. If pets are on monthly prevention, an annual stool sample is checked, and we keep our yards clean of fecal matter, then responsible pet ownership is being practiced. Safety of the entire family is a top priority at South Town Animal Hospital.

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October is Intestinal Parasite Awareness Month!

Sad Dog

October is Intestinal Parasite Awareness Month!

What is Lurking Within?

Did you know that a majority of all puppies and kittens have some sort of intestinal parasite? Did you also know that intestinal parasites can be transferable from pets to people? South Town Animal Hospital wants to insure that your pet is intestinal parasite free. In honor of October’s Intestinal Parasite Awareness Month we are offering discounts on running fecal samples. For the safety of your pet and your family, bring in a stool sample to be be sent to the lab and you will get $5 off!

For further information please contact us at 847-695-7387. You can drop off a stool sample at any time or bring it to your appointment. We get the results for the doctors to diagnose the very next business day!

Stay Tuned for further information on intestinal parasites…………

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Important Things to Do After Adopting Your Pet!

Client feeding her puppy treats

Important Things to Do After Adopting Your Pet!

Giving the Care Your Newly-Adopted Pet Needs

Just adopted a pet? Congratulations! This is a very exciting time! The adoption process  is more than exciting, as it is a life-changing experience for both you and your new best friend! Many emotions that are experienced during the adoption process can be quite overwhelming. In addition to the emotions that you are feeling, your adopted pal will be feeling a variety of emotions, too. He may be scared at first. There will be a lot of new things that he will experience upon his/her adoption. From the adoption center to your home, here’s a list of important “to-do’s”!

The Ride Home

This might be your new pet’s first time riding in a car. Any new noises and unfamiliar movements may be intimidating. Try to keep the ride home as short as possible, avoiding any extra stops. Loud music may make him/her even more nervous. Keeping a quiet, calm, and reassuring environment will make him feel more at ease. In addition, insure a comfortable temperature and that there are no unfriendly odors in the vehicle.  

Also, it is critical to have a safe transport crate for your new feline or canine.  Dogs may do well in a wire crate in the back of your vehicle.  Pet stores also now have doggy seat belts that attach to your pets leash. As for your new cat, a enclosed carrier is critical for safe travels.  Felines typically are not accustom to car travel so your new pet is sensitive to sights, sounds, and smells.  Even placing a towel over your carrier to create a darker environment is recommended. If you are conscious about these factors your pet is sure to have a more enjoyable ride to their new home.   

The New Home

You’ve just arrived home. It is such an exciting feeling to be with the new addition to your family! Your new pet might be feeling similar emotions, yet this is also a good possibility that they feel nervous and scared. There are a few things your family should do help your new buddy acclimate to his/her surroundings.  With both dogs and cats make sure you have all the necessary equipment ready before you get home.  You will need treats, food, toys, and bowls ready to go.  It is recommended that a dog has a crate that has a designated area not only for training purposes, but it will also be a nice safe place for your new pup.  The crate should be the height of your pet sitting up straight and the length of your pet laying down comfortably.  

Cats need safe places too.  It is vital for felines to have higher places to get away if need be.  Cat trees are a great choice to ensure that they have a high place that they can find comfort in while checking out their new place.   In addition, when you initially bring your new kitty home it is also doctor recommended that you find a smaller room to keep him/her in with his or her litter box and food.  When you first introduce a cat into a new environment, especially a small kitten, they may get lost in a great big place.  Introducing them slowly will ensure that he/she knows where their potty is and will get him/her off to a great start!

Veterinary Care

Within a week of bringing your new pet home, it is recommended that you make an appointment for him/her with your veterinarian. At his/her first veterinary visit, they will be examined from head-to-tail.  The doctors will check for any issues and abnormalities. They are ready and willing to answer any questions or concerns that you might have.   If it helps, write down the topics that you need to discuss.  Having a new pet is a lot like having a new child, and there are so many topics to think about.  It may become overwhelming.  Writing down your questions will help us cover everything that is on your mind.  

Our staff will also confirm that he/she is up-to-date on all of his vaccinations.  If it is a young animal, like children, there are many vaccines that might need boosting.  Also there are immunizations that the animal shelter may not offer.   South Town Animal hospital tailors vaccine protocols to fit your pet’s needs and lifestyle. There may be additional protection that is needed and will be discussed at the time of this exam.   

At this appointment your pet will also begin monthly heartworm medication and flea and tick protection.  You will receive a complimentary first time dose, along with a puppy/kitten pack that is filled with essential information to get this commitment started on the right foot.  The pack contains vaccine information, trainer business cards, emergency information, and much much more.  South Town Animal Hospital staff wants your pet to have the best start in their new home!

Lastly, it is vital to bring in a stool sample to check for intestinal parasites.   Starting on heartworm preventatives assist in intestinal parasite control, but checking that stool sample ensures safety for not only your new pet, but your family, and yourself.  There are many intestinal parasites that can be transmitted from animal to human.  Lots of times new pets come home and need additional dewormers to get that clean bill of health.

A healthy lifestyle begins with the best, high quality veterinary health care!  Our educated staff is ready and waiting to answer any questions and give the best medical advice that you may need to welcoming your new family member into your home!   Please look below at the services our hospital has to offer.  You can always pop on by for a tour, give us a call, or shoot us an email with any questions you might have.  We are proud to serve our community in treating our furry loved ones!

South Town Animal Hospital- Offers the Following Services

Medical & Preventive Health

Complementary Medicine


Laser Therapy


Call to schedule today!  We are always waiting to lend an ear and answer any questions you have!

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The Fall Newsletter is Here!

Dog holding a leaf

Fall Fun is Upon Us!
The end of the summer is upon us and fall is just around the corner! Fall is a time where the kids go back to school and family festivities are poppin! South Town Animal Hospital is going to be busy with many activities and events in the works. For the month of September South Town is taking part in Anderson Animal Shelters Pets a Palooza on Sunday September, 17 from 11am-4pm.  Come visit the pups and kitties at Mooseheart Child City and School and stop by our booth for this fun filled event.  For more information please read the flyer below!  We would love to see you there!


October brings our Intestinal Parasite Awareness month.  Please look forward to information about the creatures lurking within and the importance of checking stool samples.  South Town wants to keep our families safe from the critters that people can get from our pets.   Also look out for specials on routine fecal screenings.  


Besides visiting us at Mooseheart, we would also love to see you, your friends, and family here in the office!  Check out our referral appreciation program.  We love to see your friends and family too, and just wanted to give back a little thanks!


Lastly, as the seasons change – temperatures fluctuate. There will still be plenty of warmer days, so it is important to still be aware of how these temperatures may affect your pet’s health. Our fall newsletter will address maintaining a safe & healthy lifestyle by keeping your pet cool during the remaining warmer days, feline hyperthyroidism awareness, and a reminder that warmer temperatures mean that flea and tick season is still here – so remember to keep your pet’s protected!

Please click on the link below to check out our newsletter and get more information on these exciting topics!


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Pets A Palooza

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Does My Pet Have Storm-Anxiety?

Clients puppy

 Does My Pet Have Storm-Anxiety?

Have you noticed that your pet acts differently when there’s a storm outside? Anxiety can affect your pet in a variety of ways. How do you know if your pet has storm-anxiety? We are here to tell you all about it!

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety occurs when your pet is fearful, or preoccupied, with worried thoughts from a perceived unknown origin. There are many things that may cause your pet to feel uneasy when it comes to certain situations or experiences. Storms can be a major factor in your pets stress.

Does Your Pet Display These Top Signs of Storm-Anxiety?

  1. Your pet hides when they hear unfamiliar sounds. They feel unsure about the situation and find protection in what they consider a “safe” place.
  2. Loud noises startle them, such as wind, rain, thunder and hail. Your pet may jump, bark, growl, hiss, or run away the instant that loud noises are heard. They may pace back-and-forth and smacks their lips.
  3. Seeing strong winds blow things around outside may terrify your pet. They may begin to drool excessively.
  4. They anxiously lick or bite themselves.

Treating Storm-Anxiety in Your Pet

There are ways to limit the anxious feelings that your pet may be experiencing during weather conditions. The key to reducing anxiety is by creating comfortable feelings which bring a sense of security within your pet. Every pet responds differently when it comes to frightening situations; therefore, your pet’s anxiety treatment will be designed to meet her/his exact needs!

Try These Calming Techniques

Make a safe room– Create a comfy, cozy room for your pet by gathering up her/his favorite things. Place their favorite blanket and toys in the area she likes the most, keep a nightlight on, and play some calming noise in the background.  You can either leave the TV on or play music for your pet. Soft, gentle, soothing sounds, along with her familiar toys and blankets will help her/his feel more at-ease, safe, and secure.

Pheromones– Pheromones are calming to both cats and dogs. A pheromone is a chemical substance that is naturally released by pets. Dogs and cats release certain calming pheromones when they are relaxed, and when those pheromones are released- they will perceive a comfortable environment. There are topical pheromone products and pheromone diffusers, made specifically for cats and dogs, that can provide a safe, calming sense of comfort. South Town Animal Hospital does carry dog and cat pheromone products.

What Can I Do For My Pet?

Scheduling an appointment with your Veterinarian is recommended. An examination can help rule out any other health concerns that may be causing anxiety. South Town Animal Hospital offers a specific behavior assessment to help address the signs of anxiety and behavioral disorders, which can be very beneficial in developing a plan to help address the very specific needs of your pet. In addition to offering a behavior assessment, we also provide our patients with calming pheromones used aromatically and topically, practice lower-stress handling techniques, and prescribe anti-anxiety medication when necessary.

Call us at (847) 695-7387 or email reception@southtownhosp.wpengine.com for more information


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Get to Know Our Doctors

Dr Denise Crittenden

Dr Deborah Groth

Dr Sheri Cody

Our Services

Whole Health Care

Our preventative medicine approach is as unique as your pet.

Surgery & Procedures

We offer a range of soft tissue surgeries from routine to more advanced.

Diagnostic Testing

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House Calls

We offer medical services in your home including in-home euthanasia.

Vet2Pet App

Download South Town Animal Hospital’s App by visiting Google Play or the App Store.

Online Pharmacy