October is Intestinal Parasite Awareness Month!

October is Intestinal Parasite Awareness Month!
What is Lurking Within?
Did you know that a majority of all puppies and kittens have some sort of intestinal parasite? Did you also know that intestinal parasites can be transferable from pets to people? South Town Animal Hospital wants to insure that your pet is intestinal parasite free. In honor of October’s Intestinal Parasite Awareness Month we are offering discounts on running fecal samples. For the safety of your pet and your family, bring in a stool sample to be be sent to the lab and you will get $5 off!
For further information please contact us at 847-695-7387. You can drop off a stool sample at any time or bring it to your appointment. We get the results for the doctors to diagnose the very next business day!
Stay Tuned for further information on intestinal parasites…………