Spring is here…

Brittany holding a chihuahua

It’s March-Spring is officially here. (Although it might not feel that way here in South Elgin)

You may not know that your pet’s yearly checkup is essential to their health and wellbeing. It’s as important as feeding them daily and loving them forever. It’s the best way to keep your pet healthier, longer! Remember: Pets age faster than we do, so missing even one yearly checkup can be like us not visiting a doctor for over five years!

During our veterinarian’s physical exam, your pet gets checked from tongue to teeth to toes to tail (plus all the parts in between)! This in-depth, medical checkup not only confirms your pet’s current health status, but also helps to prevent future problems, such as obesity, periodontal disease and diabetes. At this time, it also gives us the opportunity to discuss all the ways to keep your pet in good shape and answer all of your questions. We can cover any topic you want in the comfort of our exam room.

We’re grateful for your trust in us to recommend what’s best for your pet. Call us today to schedule their appointment (your pet will be thankful too). Happy Spring from all of us!

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Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Nunc blandit tincidunt consequat. Duis diam metus, suscipit in pulvinar eget, egestas id arcu. Duis a enim vel mauris ultrices. Nullam aliquet velit ac velit tempus in semper neque auctor. Aenean ligula mi, auctor sed tempus ultrices, semper tempus diam.

Etiam pellentesque, suscipit in pulvinar eget placerat, leo leo consequat ante, non iaculis turpis augue ac ligula. Nunc blandit tincidunt consequat. Duis diam metus, suscipit in pulvinar eget, egestas id arcu. Duis a enim vel mauris ultrices. Nullam aliquet velit ac velit tempus in semper neque auctor. Aenean ligula mi, auctor sed tempus ultrices, semper tempus diam.

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HEARTWORM—What do I need to know to protect my pet?


Right now, the biggest threat you’re probably facing with your dog is all this rain! But the same moisture that is turning your yard into a swamp leads to another threat … mosquitoes. And for pet owners, mosquitoes mean heartworm, which is one of the most dangerous parasites a dog can get. (more…)

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Junk Food Cats

Cat asking for pizza


Has your cat ever tried to steal a piece of pizza or a French fry? Cats are junk food addicts and, like children, when presented with healthy food or a poor-quality option they will usually make the wrong choice! (more…)

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Get to Know Dr. Crittenden

Dr. Crittenden earned her doctorate at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine and has been a practicing veterinarian since 1986.

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WELCOME TO South Town Animal Hospital

Staff photo outside South Town Animal Hospital building


Our team provides the compassionate care that you expect for your special family members.

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Get to Know Our Doctors

Dr Denise Crittenden

Dr Deborah Groth

Dr Sheri Cody

Our Services

Whole Health Care

Our preventative medicine approach is as unique as your pet.

Surgery & Procedures

We offer a range of soft tissue surgeries from routine to more advanced.

Diagnostic Testing

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House Calls

We offer medical services in your home including in-home euthanasia.

Vet2Pet App

Download South Town Animal Hospital’s App by visiting Google Play or the App Store.

Online Pharmacy