Does My Pet Have Storm-Anxiety?

Does My Pet Have Storm-Anxiety?
Have you noticed that your pet acts differently when there’s a storm outside? Anxiety can affect your pet in a variety of ways. How do you know if your pet has storm-anxiety? We are here to tell you all about it!
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety occurs when your pet is fearful, or preoccupied, with worried thoughts from a perceived unknown origin. There are many things that may cause your pet to feel uneasy when it comes to certain situations or experiences. Storms can be a major factor in your pets stress.
Does Your Pet Display These Top Signs of Storm-Anxiety?
- Your pet hides when they hear unfamiliar sounds. They feel unsure about the situation and find protection in what they consider a “safe” place.
- Loud noises startle them, such as wind, rain, thunder and hail. Your pet may jump, bark, growl, hiss, or run away the instant that loud noises are heard. They may pace back-and-forth and smacks their lips.
- Seeing strong winds blow things around outside may terrify your pet. They may begin to drool excessively.
- They anxiously lick or bite themselves.
Treating Storm-Anxiety in Your Pet
There are ways to limit the anxious feelings that your pet may be experiencing during weather conditions. The key to reducing anxiety is by creating comfortable feelings which bring a sense of security within your pet. Every pet responds differently when it comes to frightening situations; therefore, your pet’s anxiety treatment will be designed to meet her/his exact needs!
Try These Calming Techniques
Make a safe room– Create a comfy, cozy room for your pet by gathering up her/his favorite things. Place their favorite blanket and toys in the area she likes the most, keep a nightlight on, and play some calming noise in the background. You can either leave the TV on or play music for your pet. Soft, gentle, soothing sounds, along with her familiar toys and blankets will help her/his feel more at-ease, safe, and secure.
Pheromones– Pheromones are calming to both cats and dogs. A pheromone is a chemical substance that is naturally released by pets. Dogs and cats release certain calming pheromones when they are relaxed, and when those pheromones are released- they will perceive a comfortable environment. There are topical pheromone products and pheromone diffusers, made specifically for cats and dogs, that can provide a safe, calming sense of comfort. South Town Animal Hospital does carry dog and cat pheromone products.
What Can I Do For My Pet?
Scheduling an appointment with your Veterinarian is recommended. An examination can help rule out any other health concerns that may be causing anxiety. South Town Animal Hospital offers a specific behavior assessment to help address the signs of anxiety and behavioral disorders, which can be very beneficial in developing a plan to help address the very specific needs of your pet. In addition to offering a behavior assessment, we also provide our patients with calming pheromones used aromatically and topically, practice lower-stress handling techniques, and prescribe anti-anxiety medication when necessary.
Call us at (847) 695-7387 or email for more information