Healthy Pets, Happy Lives!


Healthy Pets, Happy Lives!


The new year brings a time for making better choices, this includes making the right choices for your pet. Change can be difficult, but it is often necessary because we all want what is best for our beloved Fydo and Scruffy!  The staff at South Town have put together some tips to start the new year off in a great direction!  

Eat a Healthier Diet!

Good nutrition makes you feel your best! Eating a proper diet provides all the right energy so that your furry friend can tackle things like fatigue and illness. Measuring your pet’s caloric intake is important! We can help you measure your pet’s exact daily caloric needs so that your pet is not eating too much or too little calories. Each different brand of food contains a different amount of calories.  It is important to evaluate what is in your pets food to distribute an appropriate portion. Contact us and our doctors will be happy to put together the correct calorie intake per your pets weight.  

Quality food is also just as important.  Make sure you read the label on the back of your pet food.  It is vital that your first few ingredients are protein based.  Chicken, beef, turkey, and other meats should be the first ingredients listed on the back of the bag.  Providing a balanced diet is vital to your pets health.

Get Moving!

Get outdoors! Go for a walk outside with your pooch! Dogs love to go for walks, play fetch, and socialize! People can take their feline friends outdoors too! Make sure that they are also on a leash or in an enclosed area for safety.

In addition, most cats also enjoy a good toy to throw around. For a fun activity, you can just sprinkle a little catnip on your cat’s favorite toys and watch them go wild! If you have a cat that is a real thrill seeker, try using a laser pointer. Caution to any toys that have strings and feathers.  Cats are often brought in to see the doctors for those types of toys from being ingested.

Your dog may also enjoy play dates with others at a dog park or daycare facility. If your cat is a social butterfly, many daycare facilities offer kitty playtime too. Be sure that your pet is up to date on vaccinations, such as rabies, distemper, and bordetella.  Other vaccines may be required per the facility of your choice.  Make sure to check in with your provider or here at South Town to ensure that your pet is ready to play!  

Another activity you can do with to get your pet moving is swimming! Have you heard about The Puddle, located right next door to South Town Animal Hospital?  The Puddle offers a clean, safe and relaxing environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for your canine and feline friends. The Puddle offers swimming, massage therapy and top of the line food and nutrition products for your pets!  

Get that physical!

Keep Up On Preventive Health Care. Keep your pet protected against illness by getting annual exams, vaccinations, and important blood work! Depending on your pet’s lifestyle, certain vaccinations may be recommended to keep illnesses at bay. And, just like people see their doctor – for your pet, a thorough examination by a veterinarian, along with blood work, is crucial in catching medical problems at it’s soonest.  The doctor is medically trained in finding anything that is abnormal about your pets health or behavior.  Trust in us to catch and treat anything that may be harmful to your beloved pet!

Groom, Often. Nails, hair, teeth!

When you start to hear a “clickity clack” on the floor, it’s time for your pet to have a nail trim! Are you a cat owner? Most times, there are no clickity clacks, but if you look at your cat’s nails and if you see long, clear or white tips- it’s probably time for a nail trim! Keeping your pet’s nails short is always best! Longer nails make it harder for your pet to walk around. They also can make it more painful to walk around as they can bend more easily and offset your pet’s natural walk!

Groom often to keep your pet’s coat fresh and clean! Matts can easily appear especially under armpits and the neck area.  Bathing and get regular haircuts depending on your pets breed can be critical for healthy eyes and skin.

Update Your Pet’s Microchip Information!

Lastly something that is often forgotten is how important it is to keep contact information up to date. It is vital to update your pet’s microchip information when you get a new home address, phone number or email address. If your pet is lost, his microchip will be scanned, and the information in the microchip will be contacted. If you are not sure which microchip company to contact for updating your pet’s microchip information – no problem! At South Town Animal Hospital, we can scan your pet to find out!

In wrapping things up we want to make sure that your pet is happy and healthy.  Good nutrition, exercise, and coming in for regular exams is vital to a healthier year!  In addition keep your records as up to date as possible by making sure that your pets microchip registration is current.  

Please contact South Town Animal Hospital at (847)695-7387 or with any questions about making 2018 the healthiest year yet!

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October is Intestinal Parasite Awareness Month!

Sad Dog

October is Intestinal Parasite Awareness Month!

What is Lurking Within?

Did you know that a majority of all puppies and kittens have some sort of intestinal parasite? Did you also know that intestinal parasites can be transferable from pets to people? South Town Animal Hospital wants to insure that your pet is intestinal parasite free. In honor of October’s Intestinal Parasite Awareness Month we are offering discounts on running fecal samples. For the safety of your pet and your family, bring in a stool sample to be be sent to the lab and you will get $5 off!

For further information please contact us at 847-695-7387. You can drop off a stool sample at any time or bring it to your appointment. We get the results for the doctors to diagnose the very next business day!

Stay Tuned for further information on intestinal parasites…………

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Does My Pet Have Storm-Anxiety?

Clients puppy

 Does My Pet Have Storm-Anxiety?

Have you noticed that your pet acts differently when there’s a storm outside? Anxiety can affect your pet in a variety of ways. How do you know if your pet has storm-anxiety? We are here to tell you all about it!

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety occurs when your pet is fearful, or preoccupied, with worried thoughts from a perceived unknown origin. There are many things that may cause your pet to feel uneasy when it comes to certain situations or experiences. Storms can be a major factor in your pets stress.

Does Your Pet Display These Top Signs of Storm-Anxiety?

  1. Your pet hides when they hear unfamiliar sounds. They feel unsure about the situation and find protection in what they consider a “safe” place.
  2. Loud noises startle them, such as wind, rain, thunder and hail. Your pet may jump, bark, growl, hiss, or run away the instant that loud noises are heard. They may pace back-and-forth and smacks their lips.
  3. Seeing strong winds blow things around outside may terrify your pet. They may begin to drool excessively.
  4. They anxiously lick or bite themselves.

Treating Storm-Anxiety in Your Pet

There are ways to limit the anxious feelings that your pet may be experiencing during weather conditions. The key to reducing anxiety is by creating comfortable feelings which bring a sense of security within your pet. Every pet responds differently when it comes to frightening situations; therefore, your pet’s anxiety treatment will be designed to meet her/his exact needs!

Try These Calming Techniques

Make a safe room– Create a comfy, cozy room for your pet by gathering up her/his favorite things. Place their favorite blanket and toys in the area she likes the most, keep a nightlight on, and play some calming noise in the background.  You can either leave the TV on or play music for your pet. Soft, gentle, soothing sounds, along with her familiar toys and blankets will help her/his feel more at-ease, safe, and secure.

Pheromones– Pheromones are calming to both cats and dogs. A pheromone is a chemical substance that is naturally released by pets. Dogs and cats release certain calming pheromones when they are relaxed, and when those pheromones are released- they will perceive a comfortable environment. There are topical pheromone products and pheromone diffusers, made specifically for cats and dogs, that can provide a safe, calming sense of comfort. South Town Animal Hospital does carry dog and cat pheromone products.

What Can I Do For My Pet?

Scheduling an appointment with your Veterinarian is recommended. An examination can help rule out any other health concerns that may be causing anxiety. South Town Animal Hospital offers a specific behavior assessment to help address the signs of anxiety and behavioral disorders, which can be very beneficial in developing a plan to help address the very specific needs of your pet. In addition to offering a behavior assessment, we also provide our patients with calming pheromones used aromatically and topically, practice lower-stress handling techniques, and prescribe anti-anxiety medication when necessary.

Call us at (847) 695-7387 or email for more information


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Spring is here…

Brittany holding a chihuahua

It’s March-Spring is officially here. (Although it might not feel that way here in South Elgin)

You may not know that your pet’s yearly checkup is essential to their health and wellbeing. It’s as important as feeding them daily and loving them forever. It’s the best way to keep your pet healthier, longer! Remember: Pets age faster than we do, so missing even one yearly checkup can be like us not visiting a doctor for over five years!

During our veterinarian’s physical exam, your pet gets checked from tongue to teeth to toes to tail (plus all the parts in between)! This in-depth, medical checkup not only confirms your pet’s current health status, but also helps to prevent future problems, such as obesity, periodontal disease and diabetes. At this time, it also gives us the opportunity to discuss all the ways to keep your pet in good shape and answer all of your questions. We can cover any topic you want in the comfort of our exam room.

We’re grateful for your trust in us to recommend what’s best for your pet. Call us today to schedule their appointment (your pet will be thankful too). Happy Spring from all of us!

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WELCOME TO South Town Animal Hospital

Staff photo outside South Town Animal Hospital building


Our team provides the compassionate care that you expect for your special family members.

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Get to Know Our Doctors

Dr Denise Crittenden

Dr Deborah Groth

Dr Sheri Cody

Our Services

Whole Health Care

Our preventative medicine approach is as unique as your pet.

Surgery & Procedures

We offer a range of soft tissue surgeries from routine to more advanced.

Diagnostic Testing

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House Calls

We offer medical services in your home including in-home euthanasia.

Vet2Pet App

Download South Town Animal Hospital’s App by visiting Google Play or the App Store.

Online Pharmacy