Angelica started her career in the Veterinary Field in May of 2016 as an Assistant Technician. She loves working with animals and her pet means everything to her. She loves that cats and dogs are affectionate, protective, and always want to be around you. Her hobbies outside of work are watching Netflix or Hulu or spending time with her family and friends. She has a dog named Thunder and he is a schnoodle. Her favorite part of working with animals is that she gets to be with puppies/kittens and cute older dogs and cats that are so sweet. She loves this job because she gets to learn more everyday about caring for animals, especially in their time of need. Her commitment to giving each patient loving care earned her a position as a Technician.
She grew up in a small town, Woodstock, Il. Her real hero is her mom who has done so much for Angelica and her family. Her mom has given up a lot for all 6 of them so they could have a better life. The most memorable case at STAH was when an owner brought 10 golden retriever puppies in a big open roller box. Angelica’s favorite movie featuring animals is the ‘Jungle Book’. She loves the action and the story behind it. She says ‘if she was an animal she would be a monkey, because she is obsessed with them”. Angelica owns numerous stuffed animal monkeys and a variety of monkey items. She says “they are just so darn cute and interesting”. She eventually wants to work with exotic animals. She would choose ‘flying’ as a superhuman power, because she would want to get to places easily- like Supergirl.